Here you find videos of some of the activities that we use to help develop the skillset themes. When you start the video click on the "i" button in the bubble to get information on the specific skillset themes addressed and the background of the activity.
Birol Ona

Birol Ona

Creating the Story

Pet Peeve

Dominant vs Other

I Discharge You

Circle Walks
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Exploring D&I
Cooper, Kelvin. 2018. “Building Student Engagement, Inclusion, and Retention.”
Dance Education in Practice 4 (2):19-24.
Dobbin, Frank and Alexandra Kaley. (2016). “Why Diversity Programs Fail.” Harvard Resource Management. (July-August). https://hbr.org/2016/07/why-diversity-programs-fail
Ochoa, Gilda L. and Daniela Pineda. 2008. “Deconstructing Power, Privilege, and Silence in the Classroom.” Radical History Review 102:45-62.
Principles of Embodied Learning and Indigenous Knowledge
Arao, Brian and Kristi Clemens. 2013. “From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces: A new Way to Frame Dialogue Around Diversity and Social Justice.” In The Art of Effective Facilitation: Reflections from Social Justice Educators,edited by L. Landreman, 135-150. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Munro, Marth. 2018. “Principles for embodied learning approaches.” South
African Theatre Journal, 31(1):5-14.
Wilson, Shawn. 2008. Research is ceremony: Indigenous research methods. Black Point, N.S.: Fernwood Pub.
Laker, Jason A. 2016. “What’s a Nice, Straight, White Guy Doing in an Essay Like This?!!! Privilege, Oppression and the Binary Politics of Positionality.” Social Alternatives 35(3): 57-60.
Lam, Danny and Julie Gale. 2000. “Cognitive behaviour therapy: teaching a client the ABC model – the first steps towards the process of change.” Journal of Advanced Nursing 31(2): 444-451.
Restorative Practice and Storytelling
Mehl-Madrona, Lewis and Brenda Mainguy. 2015. Discovering the Stories We Live In Remapping Your Mind: The Neuroscience of Self-Transformation Through Story. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co, 8-11, 36-39, 49-54.
Onishi, Norimitsu and Constant, Méheut. 2020. “A Teacher, His Killer and the Failure of French Integration.” The New York Times. Oct. 26.
Gillespie, Alex. (2020). “Disruption, Self-Presentation, and Defensive Tactics at the Threshold of Learning.” Review of General Psychology 24(4): 382-396.
Zanfagna, Christina. (2011). “Building ‘Zyon’ in Babylon: Holy Hip Hop and Geographies of Conversion.” Black Music Research Journal 31(1): 145-162.
Holding Space
Cairo, Aminata. (2021). Holding Space: A Narrative Approach to Trampling Diversity and Inclusion. Duivendrecht: Aminata Cairo Consultancy. www.aminatacairo.com